Gail's Blog

Gail's Blog

Think and Prepare Like a Warrior - Oct 11, 2021

Many years ago I read an excerpt from a book written by John Perkins who had or has a base in New Jersey where he taught martial arts and their mental requirements.  I found it pretty relevant to everyday life.  His specialty was preparing newly graduated police recruits for the real world of the streets.  It wasn’t enough to learn from an academy but to also learn the down and out chaos of the real world.

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Let’s Remember to Laugh and Dance to Love - Aug 21, 2021

What a crazy funny week this has been. I have to laugh at the nuttiness of it all. Just when you think the world can’t get worse in the news or social media or any media, you remember a few basic tenets of our current life. This all will pass away. All of us will someday too. So, it behooves us to think on the things that are beautiful, wonderful and kind. The news will just always be negative because that is what sells and people like to be scared or angry or right. The news is plastered with the ending of this phase of Afghanistan’s evolution. It is plastered with covid counts. Gosh, I can’t read them any more.

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The Day of Reckoning Has Arrived - Aug 11, 2021

We humans love certainty, safety, dependability and trust. We have relied on our jobs, marriages, good health, our investments, our pensions and even our pets. We think we can control our lives by routines and good habits. We never think about pandemics, food deprivations (in the developed countries) and other devastating acts of God and nature. We depend upon this earth world for everything. We look for our perfect mate, our doctors to take care of us, if we can afford it, our jobs, our vacations, our happiness and leaders who will make wise decisions for us.

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In a World of Noise, Discipline is your Greatest Asset - Jun 8, 2021

It was Lincoln who said “America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

What can we do to not destroy ourselves through these challenging times?  

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Every Day is Wednesday - Aug 2, 2020

I remember many years ago when my former husband was a fighter pilot in Viet Nam, he would say that every day is Wednesday.  They bombed every day.  It didn’t matter if it was Saturday or Sunday; every day was Wednesday.  The comment reminds me of my life today.  This Wednesday routine won’t always be the case but it is now in the present and, in reality, that is all I can work in.  Saturday and Sunday’s are more of the same as Wednesday.  Working from home, self-employed, I can go walk on any day, go to the pharmacy any day, take out food any day, shop at Trader Joe’s any day etc.  The only must do week days are doctor appointments.  Here is Los Angeles, there are no cultural, sporting events, dining

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Stumbling Forward is Still Moving Forward - Jul 12, 2020

Sometimes it feels as if we take two steps forward and three back.  However, we still keep moving forward and that’s a good thing.  Even though right now it is just a a series of bumbling and jerking, we move the ball a bit further and further.  In spite of ourselves, we are progressing.  It’s easy to be discouraged, frightened (petrified) and exhausted.  So many changes are taking place and everything appears uncertain.  Where, why and what has happened?  This is what big changes look like.  The rug is yanked out from beneath and we have to attempt to save ourselves and regain our balance.  My motto is “don’t borrow trouble”.  Do not go around the block to meet it.

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Our Own Role in Our Poor Health - May 6, 2020

As you know I have been interested in Numerology and other ancient mystery school information.  The more you learn, the more you need to learn.  It is an endless loop of knowledge.  We as a group are just waking up out of ignorance.  As we travel the spirals of lifetimes and civilizations, we pass through the portals of various levels and planes of existence and consciousness.  In our “modern” times and I question the word modern, we are learning how little we know.  Our ignorance shows up in many forms, belief in superstition, believing

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Stop Borrowing Trouble - Apr 26, 2020

I remember several years ago a friend mentioned this to me.  Stop borrowing trouble.  Don’t go
around the block to meet it.  These words have saved me from myself many times over.  Maybe I am wrong, but in my experience we seem to all love to scare ourselves and go out to the future and expect the worst case scenarios.  We are really doing it now in spades with the corona virus scare.  This is not to say that it isn’t real or deadly but we are focusing on the “how” we will make it moving

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Death and Transformation–Looking Beyond the Pandemic - Apr 16, 2020

Here in California we have passed the first month of our lock down.  It seems to have helped.  In Los
Angeles you will not be admitted into any essential business without a face mask.  In short, if you step outside your house, you need to be masked.  It is hard to see a world moving forward in light of these conditions.  As we test more, we will raise the number of sick patients.  It seems like the world we knew is gone.  In actuality, part of it is.  Part of it died and is in the process of transformation.  We just don’t know how it will change.  There are hints and signs of what we can

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The Less We Think of the Next World-The Greater Mess We Make of This One - Apr 4, 2020

I love this saying.  It’s another Irish proverb.  You know those Irish.  They have sad songs and merry wars.  There is an element of truth in their ditties.  We keep thinking this world we are now living in is the cat’s pajamas, the real deal.  It seems so and we become very attached to all that goes here. We are attached to our stuff, our patterns, our loved ones, our rituals, our religions and our comforts.  We panic at the thought of running out of toilet paper, hand sanitizers, hand and counter wipes.  I saw a woman

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