December, 2015
“It is practical, this selflessness and love practice. Don’t give me a long speech about love, but show me by your action what is in your heart” Maurine Stuart, Subtle Sound
December, the 12th month
View from the Freeway
Ponder This
Upcoming Events
“2016 Trends and Forecasts”
Wednesday, January 13th 6pm
Sponsored by So. California Astrological Network (SCAN)
Polly’s Pies
Moulton Parkway, Laguna Woods
“The Rise in Power of Middle-Aged Women”
sponsored by Women Gathering Wealth Consciously
February 1st, 12 noon
Soul Awakening Oasis
15475 Chemical Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
“2016 Global Trends and Forecasts and Gail’s Birthday Celebration Workshop”
Saturday, February 6th 2 pm – 4:30 pm
Common Ground Chapel
19211 Dodge Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Save! Early registration $29
December the 12th month of the year!
Goodbye, adios, hasta la vista, adieu, and close the curtain, put out the lights on 2015. Another year has past in this slow grind of the transit of Pluto in Capricorn setting the world’s hair on fire. December is intended to calm us down and go inside–literally. The pace we live in December is artificial. It is man-made. We are actually intended to hibernate this month, finish up some unfinished work for the year and rest. We were to celebrate the light coming back in the Northern Hemisphere after the Winter Solstice on December 21st–the shortest day. We were not to shop til we dropped or feel guilty or sad.
In studying ancient Near East history, the chances of Jesus’s birth being on December 25th are slim or none. It is a borrowed holiday. There are many holidays around the time of the return of light to the Northern Hemisphere and we can find them scattered through many cultures. We can, however, enjoy our friends and family. Share in valuable gifts, the gifts of time we give, love we give, patience we give and kindness we give. They can’t be purchased anywhere. I encourage you to make the phone call (instead of the text), visit and calm down. Recover from the year. It has been a challenge for many of us. Hibernate, read, breathe and assess what you need to do in the New Year. It is a number 3 month (12th) and that requires the seeds of creativity for the New Year. It’s okay to say no to consumerism at this time of year. It reaches the height of mania now but you can manage yourself and not be drawn into the crazies.
View from the Freeway
Where does one start with all that is going on in the world?–the latest being the attack in San Bernardino, the potential rise in interest rates, the volatility of the stock market, the private sector wage erosion, the dysfunctional Congress and the climate change debate. It’s enough to make you break out in hives.
Through these trying times, it is essential–not just important--that we remember that we are individually and collectively part of a larger system that is secure, neutral and giving. We must start to depend on and understand the invisible world and its power. While on earth we live in a world of effects. All of these experiences are made from cause. In order to clean it up we must learn to develop right thinking and behavior and stop scaring ourselves. The more fear we have, the more fear we get.
The Islamic problem will not cured quickly or just with bombs. It is a larger movement that is taking place. That entire region of the world has been left behind technologically, educationally, business opportunity-wise and in governmental leadership. It will require a transformation by those living there including new leadership, pluralism and respect for the individual. Actually, it is calling for a reformation. Christianity had it with Martin Luther, King Henry the 8th, many religious wars and a 300 year Renaissance. It will happen but it is a long process. In the meantime we have extremists who out-picture a type of victim-hood and look for someone to blame–the West, in particular the United States. Without oil, this region would be left behind even more. Eventually they will unless they go through this reformation.
In the Aquarian Age of the development and use of the mind and understanding its power, we are seeing the results of a change in the Ages. From the old Piscean Age of suffering, religion, guilt, emotions, fear, compassion and outer authority, we pass into the Aquarian Age with respect for the individual in the collective, the respect and equality of all, including women, transgender, and all races, the diminishing of religion and the growth of a community of humanity. It takes time; do not be discouraged. It may not happen in your life time but you can do everything you can now to help it progress. Do not get wrapped up in the old Piscean fear that the sky is falling. The old order is hanging on for dear life in certain parts of the world. It won’t last. Progress can be delayed but it cannot be stopped. It is a bigger movement than a man-made religion. We are tied to the heavens and we understand at a very deep level what is good, what is truth and what is real.
Ponder This
As we leave the past behind in 2015, we give thanks for all the good in our lives. We become grateful we made it through. Let’s develop a plan for 2016 and have specific and measurable goals to help us.
“Hope is good; it is better than despair, but it is a subtle illusion and is an unconscious compromise….there must be no compromise with the consciousness.” Ernest Holmes “The Science of Mind”