Humans will get through this latest test of its humanity as it has been doing for ions. As the corona virus spreads itself around the world, we are finding that politics and politicians really can’t wish it away. Neither can they laugh it off or blame it on another political party, a witch hunt, a hoax or that the dog ate my homework. This is such a critical period for all of us as we get to see how we think and feel about things we can’t control. Not being able to control our own safety is really scary. We wear masks (that for the most part don’t work), we wear gloves (forgetting that now we have the virus on our gloves and we touch our clothes with them as well as all types of door knobs, food products etc. Share and share alike
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Tagged: Different look at Covid-19, How long will corona virus last
We are down to the final decision on the two democratic primary candidates. I thought it the best time to take another look at Bernie Sanders and a new look at Joe Biden. I did a chart on Bernie back in early 2016 and nothing has changed since. A birth chart stays with you your entire life. Some transits may occur but the core of you is intact. You can read about Bernie here
Remember, this was written four years ago.
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Tagged: Biden vs Sanders, Numerology of Bernie Sanders, Numerology of Joe Biden
Don’t borrow trouble. Stop going around the block to meet it. A wise friend told this to me many years ago and it has guided me all my life. That doesn’t mean I don’t worry or concern myself too much with trying to figure out the “how” of everything. I am more conscious now of the “what” and not the “how”. Over the years I have learned the best way to stop myself and waste copious amounts of time is to try to figure out the how.
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Tagged: a flashy new virus, Corona Virus in prospective, Fear sells, Stop scaring yourself
Where are the great leaders? It seems to me I don’t see them in the news, the business world, the
government, the social structure or the spiritual/religious structure. What has become of the greatness in our leaders of today? What makes up greatness? Have we succumbed to success and not greatness? Have we measured greatness by bank accounts, celebrity status, the ability to control more people or headlines and tweets?
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Tagged: Lack of greatness in our leaders, What makes a great leader
The world was shocked and saddened last week by the abrupt departure of one of the world’s best
basketball players and princely figures. That someone so popular, charismatic and young could just quickly leave our human condition demonstrates again that we live our lives from moment to moment. We think our lives from days, weeks, months and years but the truth is it could end in a flash and, and for some of us, it does.
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Tagged: kobe bryant and his great destiny, Kobe Bryant's life plan, The numerology of kobe bryant
In astrology the natural leaders’ signs are Aries, Leo and Capricorn. There is a great deal of power in
these three sun signs. We look at many of those in office to see who are the natural leaders. One of these is Nancy Pelosi, an Aries. You can easily see her controlled power when she speaks and how she carries herself. You understand why she was chosen as Speaker of the House and why she was able to guide the Affordable Care Act into passing by a challenged Congress. She is a force to be reckoned with and you can see the distance Trump stays away from her. He knows she can run circles around him.
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Tagged: nancy pelosi a powerful force, Numerology chart of Nancy Pelosi
The world is on a disrupter tear. It is disruption all over the world. This has been in the works for some time and has many causes. One of these being the changeover from an industrial age to a technology age. Land, labor and capital is not enough to succeed today. You must also have “knowledge”. For areas of the world that don’t have knowledge, these areas will wither in progress. We see this quite easily in the United States where the bulk of new jobs and progress is being created in city hubs. These provide educational opportunities, corporate activities and networking for those who reside in them. Areas of the US that don’t have these
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Tagged: Brokers as endangered species, Disruption in the World
As we move away from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age, we are learning the process of thinking. The fading Piscean Age was very different in that its characteristics were built more on emotions than on thought. That is not to say there weren’t some great thinkers over the last two thousand years. The masses, however, were poorly educated and most could not read. Scribes wrote the letters. The printing press started to make writing more available but it wasn’t until the dawn of the Age of Aquarius in the early 1800’s that the education of the masses began to take shape.
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Tagged: The importance of philosophy, The importance of thinking, Thinking is not a luxury
t’s interesting to watch the world go through all types of twists and turns as it adjusts to heavenly transits. The big Pluto in Capricorn transit has been haunting our lives since it began in 2008. I have kept the same drum beat rolling that until it was done with us, there would be little peace and sanity. The hardest days were to be 2015 through 2019. The ending would come in 2024. We are right on time!
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Tagged: better days ahead, big Pluto transit marches on
In all that we do and all that we plan, there is always a parallel, invisible tract running alongside our plans. We plan for our safety; we try to plan for the roof over our heads, our income, our health and so on. We buy insurance, we work extra hours, we raise our families, and we try and date the better people. In short, we act as if we are somehow in control and if we do this (invest in the right stocks) or we do that (buy more life insurance) that we can be safe from future calamities. But time after time life will show you the parallel track that has been running with you all along. It can come in a sudden diagnosis of cancer, the drowning or accidental death of a child, a city condemns your property due to toxic leakage, your pension plan is cut in half or your newly married spouse is gunned down in a drive-by shooting. How about the Bernie Madoff debacle? All of a sudden all the great plans for the future disappear before your eyes. The unthinkable and unplanned has happened. Now what?
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Tagged: Age of Pisces vs Age of Aquarius, America's role in the Aquarian Age, shootings in america