Many years ago I read an excerpt from a book written by John Perkins who had or has a base in New Jersey where he taught martial arts and their mental requirements. I found it pretty relevant to everyday life. His specialty was preparing newly graduated police recruits for the real world of the streets. It wasn’t enough to learn from an academy but to also learn the down and out chaos of the real world.
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Tagged: Current anxiety of society, Stay away from chaos, The importance of thinking
As we move away from the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age, we are learning the process of thinking. The fading Piscean Age was very different in that its characteristics were built more on emotions than on thought. That is not to say there weren’t some great thinkers over the last two thousand years. The masses, however, were poorly educated and most could not read. Scribes wrote the letters. The printing press started to make writing more available but it wasn’t until the dawn of the Age of Aquarius in the early 1800’s that the education of the masses began to take shape.
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Tagged: The importance of philosophy, The importance of thinking, Thinking is not a luxury