It has been brought to my attention that as we become more enlightened, more aware, more experienced, we are seeking answers to some of the most important questions of life. One of these topics is the dying process. I received many replies both via emails and on the post itself when I wrote recently about “Death Rides On Your Shoulder) (July 6th). Thanks to you, my dear readers, I received information about a group called “Death Cafe”. At first I thought it was a coffee shop in LA. Perhaps connected to the Mexican tradition celebrated on the Day of the Dead. But it wasn’t. It is actually an
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Tagged: coffee, danish and discussions of death, death cafe, how do we die, The dying process
The first year has been healing, however. In some way his leaving has freed me to go and do what I want or need to do in the time I have remaining here on earth. When you lose what you don’t think you could ever stand to lose and survive it, you somehow don’t care any more if you exceed protocol. You can live your life full throttle knowing that you don’t care any more about dumb stuff or what people say or might think–or worse, self-censorship. You never take things for granted again and you don’t plan too far in advance as things can change on a dime. You live your life from a guided perspective rather than a controlling perspective. You now know, for sure, you can’t control anything.
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Tagged: Death of a child, Life after death, Mother's Day remembered, The dying process