Gail's Blog

Being Grateful and Still Above Ground - Nov 19, 2023

It’s that time of year here in America where we revisit our annual feast of gratitude–Thanksgiving Day. I do love this holiday. It has no religious connotation so there is no being left out due to a religious persuasion. You can still have a great Thanksgiving as a vegan, Arab, Jew, Christian, Buddhist and agnostic.

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The Wisdom of Wallace Wattles - Nov 6, 2023

In light of our current world situation and the various wars taking place around the globe, I thought I would check back in to see what Wallace Wattles, the American philosopher, might say with regards to the current conditions. Wallace lived at the early part of the 20th century and was a farmer in upstate

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How the Aquarian Age Affects Loneliness - Sep 6, 2023

If you are feeling more detached from others or have a diminished sense of community, you are with the majority of Americans. Health authorities are now saying that “Loneliness is an epidemic, and the health risks are ‘profound,’ US surgeon general warns.” I probably could have told them that. Senior Americans prefer the human checkout

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Engineering Insecurity - Aug 16, 2023

I was reading an interesting article by the Economist magazine. It was titled “Authoritarians are on the march”. It really was talking about Democracy and Human Rights. It may not be your normal morning reading but it does give you a nuanced look at how we have gotten into this predicament of dehumanizing those who

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Cultivating A Contemplative Practice - Jul 24, 2023

As we travel through this epic time period of transition, we have choices regarding how to live. They can include going along with divisive narratives of our culture or to evolve ourselves in a new healthier collective era. In this era humankind is working to save our planet and each other. Fortunately, we have many

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A Numerology Look at Ron DeSantis - Jun 5, 2023

Now that Ron DeSantis has officially entered the race, I thought it would be a good time to look at a candidate who seems to be ranking higher in the chorus line than the others–except for Donald Trump. As is usual and customary, anyone with the first vowel of their name being the the letter

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What’s Love Got to Do with It–Tina Turner - May 26, 2023

Oh, I just felt such a loss in losing Tina Turner this week. This giant talent and success story was so big and so filled with high energy. Who would have thought that at the end, the cascade of harsh physical ailments would take her out? She was such an immense ball of energy. On

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Mox Nix (slang for “it doesn’t matter) - May 18, 2023

I think we need to adopt the words “mox nix” more. I remember as a child I used to hear this term all the time. Although I am not German it is from the German words “es macht nichts” or “it doesn’t matter”, “it’s not important”. As we travel through life, it is so helpful

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We keep talking and acting like planet earth and all things on it are complete, dire and just hopeless. Greed, tribalism, inequality, hyperinflation, and other acts of humans stoke fear that we are coming to the end of the road. There are lots of doomsayers out there and they predict catastrophic consequences for the error

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What Is It With All These Happiness Books? - Mar 28, 2023

What did I miss? I keep seeing these happiness books pop up. How to find happiness. 10 easy steps to happiness. Changing sad to glad. Money can’t buy you happiness (it can sure make life easier). How to find happiness later in life. Jobs that make you happier. You understand. It is as if the

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