There are many changes coming in the new number 8 year. I’ll be speaking and writing about them during the early part of
Universal Year #8–2015
Universal Year #8–2015
2015. The overall flavor for a number 8 year is material progress. Many of the large-scale plans that have been sitting in Congress or in your own cabinet, will come out this year to be put in motion. The year will start out as somewhat unstable as reorganization takes place but new
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Tagged: 2015, 2015 and Numerology, The big 8 year 215
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Golf and Aquarian Age, how do they relate? I have often spoken of the new Aquarian Age and its qualities of feeling rushed, never enough time and rapid technological advancements. It also has the quality of the practical over the sentimental; hence, steel, glass and cement buildings versus old-fashioned gingerbread house trim, stained glass and lovely old craftsman homes. Here is where we see golf as being a sport of an era that is moving on out of popularity. It requires lots of times, usually attracts an older audience and is definitely expensive not practical.
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Tagged: Less Golfers and Aquarian Age, Man replaced by machines, Trend of decrease in middle managers
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“THESE ARE THE BEST OF TIMES” is a talk I gave 9 years ago. It is still relevant and applicable for today.
“Normally I speak to groups regarding my work with Numerology and the cycles and trends that impact peoples’ lives. Recently, however, I had the opportunity to speak to an audience regarding the differences we can expect between the old Piscean Age and the transitioning Age of Aquarius. I made the observation that although it appears we are experiencing really rough patches in the road of human experience, if viewed from a broader perspective, one can become excited in thinking these are some of the best of times. This statement counters what you read in the average headline or view from the “talking heads”channels. Remember, FEAR SELLS. The question should be asked, are you buying it?
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Tagged: Piscean Age ends, what's good about now
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