Every name, every company, city, state, country, house has its own destiny and personality. Every word has significance. For
example, the word “love” is a 9 powered word. The meaning is universal and the highest attainment. It’s soul is inspiration and light. Let’s look at the word “cancer” and find out what is its significance. It has a personality, soul and a destiny or goal.
The word cancer is an 8 powered word. This means that if I total all the letters and reduce them to a single digit, it will be the number eight. This is power. Remember the 80’s and the power of Wall Street. Women wore big shoulder pads. Money was key and power was its goal. When we deal with cancer, we are working with the biggest number of authority and power. It is the ultimate manifestation. In fact, the number 8 is the representation of strength. It is also a karmic number in the fact that it is ruled by Saturn–who in Mythology represents Father Time and karma. Another representation would be Chronos, the time keeper. Another representation is of the “grim reaper”. When we work with cancer, we understand the power it possesses and its ability of strength.
The key to understanding the destiny of this word, is to look at the personality and soul of it. It’s personality is the number 11, a master number and represents the word “light”. In fact, if I take the word light and reduce the numbers behind the letters (the letter l is 12, i is 9, g is 7, h is 8 and t is 20) 12 + 9 + 7 + 8 +20= 56—5+6 = 11–11 is the final number. We do not reduce master numbers (these are double digit numbers such as 11, 22, 33 etc). An 11 personality is always about inspiration and light. It is also a channeling number and has the ability to inspire us through its performance. Cancer in this capacity is the inspiration. It is to help inspire to change many parts of our lives–nutritional requirements, stress loads, healthy living, values, relationships, jobs etc. Nobody who receives a cancer diagnosis is cavalier about it. It is such a shock and a tremendous wake up call that you are forced to be inspired to change. It cannot be avoided. It is a last wake up call. It is filled with light and inspiration and an invitation to live a life that is healthier and more authentic.
The soul of cancer is the number 6. Six rules health, home and beauty. In this position as a soul number, its motivation is to teach others to maintain peace and harmony in their lives. At the heart of this destiny is the strong desire by cancer to inspire you to bring light into your life. It’s deepest desire is to bring peace and harmony.
Being a big 8 destiny, it cannot be ignored. It becomes your success in measuring necessary changes to your thinking, your behavior and your willingness to surrender old patterns that have been false and destructive. For those of us who do not have cancer, it is important to take the necessary steps to make sure it does not need to manifest itself. Through nutritious eating, real foods only–not processed foods but clean foods that are organic, foods that heal, lowering the stress levels–be they job related, relationship related, location related, avoiding toxic environments, increasing your physical movements. The body needs and wants to move so move it.
Our early ancestors mainly died from predators, early childhood diseases, accidents and acts of God. They didn’t die from our current diseases. They moved around a lot. They had to, they didn’t have houses and they had to move for food and weather. In fact if you want to go way back, we used to swing from tree limbs and pick each others fleas. Now we sit at computers and lose our postures, develop pouches, hip problems, allergies and, of course, bad backs. We overdo the exercise via marathons and triathalons–thinking we can push and really be athletes. Eventually arthritis sets in and we get our knees replaced, nobby fingers, our hips replaced and move even less. Too much fast food, eating out in restaurants, half-baked diets, too little rest assuming the body will just go along and cooperate. Wait a minute! Finally, we get religion. Cancer is the ultimate form of “getting religion”. If you would like to wake up to your life in a different manner than this condition, go learn about nutrition. Do not expect physicians to teach you–although that is rapidly changing.
To date, the American Medical Association, the 800 pound gorilla in the room owns the copyrights to the medical codes. These are the codes that physicians must use and insurance companies aknowledge as legitimate treatments for disease. The codes have to do with diagnosis and treatment. If your treatment is not in those codes, your insurance company won’t pay. So around we go. If you want to get well and stay well, you will have to be willing to pay out of pocket for integrative medicine, supplements and treatments that pretty much replace your standard drugs and procedures. The good news is that only 15% of American physicians belong to the AMA and that number is dropping. The future is in integrative medicine. Stay tuned!
Very enlightening! Thank you!
“For those of us who do not have cancer, it is important to take the necessary steps to make sure it does not need to manifest itself. Through nutritious eating, real foods only–not processed foods but clean foods that are organic, foods that heal, lowering the stress levels–be they job related, relationship related, location related, avoiding toxic environments, increasing your physical movements. The body needs and wants to move so move it.”
Gail, I appreciated your comment about the importance of prevention. More than half of all cancer deaths could be prevented by making healthy choices like not smoking, staying at a healthy weight, eating right, keeping active, and getting recommended screening tests. For more information on prevention see http://www.cancer.org/healthy/index