Gail's Blog

The Important Female Role Leading us Forward

It may seem the opposite of media reports regarding the set back of women in the workplace, but in spite of the statistics reciting how many women have gotten behind or had to drop out due to childcare issues, she is still advancing.  Her preparation period is still in place and as her situation is exposed to the mainstream of life, it begs the question of the lack of childcare and the burdens that have been placed on women. 

Just as large inequities are being exposed in the social safety net of the United States so are the inequalities of women’s pay, responsibilities, and general marginalization of women’s roles.  The United States  plays a passive-aggressive role in its behavior.  It talks about the importance of women in the workplace yet allows large pay gaps between the sexes and keeps in place or ignores laws that hurt female workers.  None of this is surprising in that the role of the female has been kept hidden or marginalized for thousands of years.  Fortunately, with the year 2000 and the powerful feminine number 2 for the next one thousand years, much of the disrespect and dishonor of women will be reversed.

A country which does not honor, respect and value its’ female, cannot thrive, cannot survive and will suffer as humanity advances past the age of the male dominated world.   Top down authoritarian leadership we see across the world is in the various stages of death and disease.   This includes the United States.  For America to continue to advance and prosper, she will be forced through various challenges, to advance the female and replace male positions of influence.  It is the furthest from our current leadership minds.  Most of which are males. 

Backlashes are showing up all the time.  Not a day goes by that women are not beaten, shot or just simply disappear.  Now we have strict abortion laws trying to prevent her from controlling her own body.  We have women going to prison due to the miscarriage of their fetus due to drug use or abnormality of the fetus . Women are harassed at work, sexually assaulted at work and losing out on plum advancement at work due to being given smaller teams to lead than men. 

Old patterns and laws take time to change but fortunately, women’s role takes off in earnest after 2024.  Once women are in positions to influence (notice that influence is more powerful than power) much of this cruelty towards women will dissipate.  In the meantime, it is important that women not get discouraged but understand that there is nothing that can stop an idea whose time has come.  It all looks like slow, slow progress until it becomes sudden.  From 2024 to 2044 she will lead and influence.    All these abortion restrictions are intended to restrict her free will—in the name of religion or the life of the fetus.  The right to control your own female body whether to have an abortion or not to have an abortion is simply a right, not a religious issue or a political weapon. Where is there control of the male who is part of the equation? Where is there control of the male body?

It has been ever thus that women and girls have been the silent conscience of a society.  It is time for women and men to prepare and support her.  Marching is not enough.  It is important to not become discouraged because of the pandemic. Our entire society including the government, the citizen, the corporation and the religious organizations are going through a death and transformational period. It will go on for several years and it will eventually lead us to a more equitable and adult behavior. But first we must learn to influence as well as march.

2 responses to “The Important Female Role Leading us Forward”

  1. Gail Minogue says:

    Women are in the preparatory time period. There are many ongoing breakthroughs and exposure. Exposure is essential. Not to worry, 2024 was always the launching time. We can expect all of the 20’s to be tumultuous as changes take place. I am not sure what you mean by “numbers are just as misogynist as the men.” Thank you for commenting.

  2. pm says:

    This: “Not a day goes by that women are not beaten, shot or just simply disappear. Now we have strict abortion laws trying to prevent her from controlling her own body. We have women going to prison due to the miscarriage of their fetus due to drug use or abnormality of the fetus . Women are harassed at work, sexually assaulted at work and losing out on plum advancement at work due to being given smaller teams to lead than men” cannot wait until 2024.
    It is past time. We’re always told to wait.
    If you are reading what’s in the numbers, the numbers are just as misogynist as the men.

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