It was back in the early 80’s when I had a meeting with a beautiful and elderly Fran Brown of La Jolla, California.
She was very unique in her knowledge and her craft. Fran was well educated, Boston bred and quite direct in her approach.
She was smart and, even more important, she was wise. I was blessed in having had such a meeting with her at a critical junction in my life. I was in a major transition in my own life and struggling to make sense of several life-changing events. It would be the first of several important meetings.
Fran had the gift of ancient knowledge that is both rare and, for-the-most-part, hidden from every day life. Her home was filled with books. They were in several bookcases and the tables were laden with books. She had read most of them.
Fran had hand written lists of books and she circled books that were perfect for my personal development. From these meetings and from these studies came the beginning of my work in understanding of the human condition and the various cycles affecting it.
One of the most important facts Fran presented to me was that I was to begin my most important and successful work at the age of 64. This did not go over well with me as I saw this age as the beginning of retirement, the beginning of old age and basically, the beginning of the end. Not a positive picture. Little did I know she was correct!
As hard as I tried to be in control of the situation from that day forward, the road was quite circuitous – a little success here, some failure there, some joy, some heartbreak and other life experiences to talk about with others. I never really understood that a blueprint is at least 120 years in length.
As I began to apply the teachings and acquired more knowledge, I knew Fran was right. Everything does have its season. Some bloom early, fade away only to come back and bloom again.
Sort of like a Ronald Reagan who started out in radio, on to film and TV, on to the governorship and eventually a successful presidency. He was the late bloomer and yet, if you look at his numerical blueprint, you see the perfect timing of his finest hours.
There is no good wine before its time and no cake is done unless it baked for the amount of time it needs.
So it is in business and in the personal. Companies have a blueprint in their date of incorporation just as individuals have birth dates. You can see what direction the company or the individual will go just by knowing this information.
Years ago I began working with individuals to help them understand their own plan. This work now goes out into the business world to assist them with their timing, their direction and even their locations. I began with the employees of Boston Consulting Group in Chicago, law firm employees and even Lucent Technology.
I spoke to Private Banking customers and real estate associations. Now, more than ever, with our global economy and short attention span, it is critically important to use knowledge that is unique and yet personally available. There is always a “great plan” in place. It is both intimate and detached. It awaits your invitation.
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