Zoom Program—A Deeper Dive Into Your Name, Letters and Timing


Saturday, April 22nd

11 am to 12:30 pm

Join us for a more in-depth look at your blueprint.  This program will focus on many of the following:

  • The letters in your name, their gender, their personal makeup (are they emotional, physical or mental letters) and the excessive or under representation of numbers in your name?
  • How do the personal makeup of the letters indicate a recent past life?
  • What numbers are missing behind the letters, what karma corrections do they reveal?
  • What do the vowels of your name tell you?  What do the consonants of your name tell you?
  • What are karmic debt numbers?  Where are they showing up in your chart and how do you find the hidden karmic debt numbers?
  • How we make up for missing numbers in our name–relieve some of the karma?
  • How to discover your personal year, universal year and when does a personal year really begin?
  • What colors go with each number?
  • What does it mean when your life path number and soul number match?  What does it mean when your life path number and your destiny number match?
  • What are pinnacles and how do they work?
  • What is the meaning of the 7-year Soul Cycle?

Upon purchase, your receipt (from this website, NOT PayPal) will contain directions to register for the zoom class.

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Saturday, April 22nd

11 am to 12:30 pm

Join us for a more in-depth look at your blueprint.  This program will focus on many of the following:

  • The letters in your name, their gender, their personal makeup (are they emotional, physical or mental letters) and the excessive or under representation of numbers in your name?
  • How do the personal makeup of the letters indicate a recent past life?
  • What numbers are missing behind the letters, what karma corrections do they reveal?
  • What do the vowels of your name tell you?  What do the consonants of your name tell you?
  • What are karmic debt numbers?  Where are they showing up in your chart and how do you find the hidden karmic debt numbers?
  • How can we make up for missing numbers in our name–relieve some of the karma?
  • How to discover your personal year, universal year and when does a personal year really begin?
  • What colors go with each number?
  • What does it mean when your life path number and soul number match?  What does it mean when your life path number and your destiny number match?
  • What are pinnacles and how do they work?
  • What is the meaning of the 7-year Soul Cycle?

Upon purchase, your receipt (from this website, NOT PayPal) will contain directions to register for the zoom class.


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