What to Look for As It Comes At You–ZOOM


Saturday, May 6th,  11 am to 12 noon PDT


With all the noise going on and the disruption in the world and at home, what can we expect going forward during the next 3 years?  Let’s take a look at the signals and the noise and what is all the chaos and anger  about?

Pluto is leaving Capricorn where it has been for 16 years.  It’s been a tough 16 years.  We begin–just begin the change into Pluto in Aquarius next year in 2024.  It is an even longer transit — 20 years — and will have a profound affect on the world and our place in it.

The current system in place cannot handle the changes.  How do we maneuver the next few years?  Is the empire in its waning days and will we go the way of the British empire?  Still a powerful country but no longer what it had been.  Remember, Rome was attacked but it was destroyed from within when the government deteriorated.

What mistakes is America making now and what should it do to begin turning this country around?  What can we expect in the economic, financial sectors?  What will happen to the dollar?  Is China the powerhouse we fear?

Our lifespans have shrunk 3 years and we now have the lowest lifespan of the first world countries.

This program will cover much of what is happening now and how the next two years will play out.  What can we recognize now to begin saving our institutions and our democracy.    The narrative is warped and distorted.  Who or what will present a different narrative?  The narrative must be changed.  Where are the leaders?

What happens to the world if the USA deteriorates?

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Saturday, May 6th,  11 am to 12 noon PDT


With all the noise going on and the disruption in the world and at home, what can we expect going forward during the next 3 years?  Let’s take a look at the signals and the noise and what is all the chaos and anger  about?

Pluto is leaving Capricorn where it has been for 16 years.  It’s been a tough 16 years.  We begin–just begin the change into Pluto in Aquarius next year in 2024.  It is an even longer transit — 20 years — and will have a profound affect on the world and our place in it.

The current system in place cannot handle the changes.  How do we maneuver the next few years?  Is the empire in its waning days and will we go the way of the British empire?  Still a powerful country but no longer what it had been.  Remember, Rome was attacked but it was destroyed from within when the government deteriorated.

What mistakes is America making now and what should it do to begin turning this country around?  What can we expect in the economic, financial sectors?  What will happen to the dollar?  Is China the powerhouse we fear?

Our lifespans have shrunk 3 years and we now have the lowest lifespan of the first world countries.

This program will cover much of what is happening now and how the next two years will play out.  What can we recognize now to begin saving our institutions and our democracy.    The narrative is warped and distorted.  Who or what will present a different narrative?  The narrative must be changed.  Where are the leaders?

What happens to the world if the USA deteriorates?


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