The Minogue Times–November, 2014
“I never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day, as each day came.” Abraham Lincoln
Table of Contents:
1) Upcoming Events
2) November, the 11th month
3) Question and Answer
4) View from the Freeway
5) Trends and Forecasts
6) Ponder This
Upcoming Events:
VOTE: November 4th, Tuesday–Participate even if you think the government is not working. You CAN work to change it.
November 9th, Sunday 2-4 pm
Los Angeles, CA (Hancock Park area)
“The Rise in Power of the Middle-Aged Woman”
- Workshop on the preparation, planning, expectations and execution of upcoming power years for middle-aged women.
- The culture is arranging the chairs and it is our job to be prepared to sit in them.
- Don’t miss out on this opportunity to understand how you can prepare yourself to take advantage of this long expansion 2024-2044. The clues are all around you as to what you need to do to be ready.
- The next 9 years are critical for getting ready. Registration is limited to 15 attendees.
- Registration: $39
Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 27th
Remember to be thankful you can read this, walk to the bathroom, walk your dog and talk to your friends. The little big things are so important. Be thankful!
Thursday, December 4th, 10 am-11:00
Metaphysical Club Talk
Laguna Woods, CA
The upcoming trends for 2015 and the transition from 2014
Budget Attractive Non-Member Fee: $5
2-hour workshop to follow
1pm – 3 pm Registration: Patty Davidson
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, January 11th–2 hour workshop
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Discover the Forecasts and Trends of 2015 and Beyond
Awakenings Bookstore
Laguna Hills, CA
November, the 11th month
As we move out the of the grips of October and the departing Mercury Retrograde, we can be more productive and effective in November. It is a more intense month so do be practical and careful of how and what you say. The number 11 always has a peace-loving quality about it. You will get further this month using persuasion rather than force. It would also be a good time to work well with others. Partner up with someone to help you on your projects. New and important launching should wait until January. We are not in starting mode now but rather in finish up and prepare to hibernate mode. Decide upon who can help you this month and think in terms of peace and calm. Sweet surrender may be necessary if you have been in aggressive mode for some time.
Question and Answer
Is it ever right or permissible through deep love motivation to ask and take upon oneself the physical pain or distress of another?
“Unselfish love is kind and sacrificing, but we should never pray to take upon ourselves the karmic burden of a friend. His destiny was planned for him to work out his growth in the ways by which growth comes, sometimes by labor, by self-giving or by physical or emotional suffering. We must not interfere with another’s karmic lessons, no matter how severe they may be. What we can do and should do for those we love who bear severe tests is to pray that they find, and succeed in maintaining, right attitudes and constructive feelings during the times their tests seem hardest.”
“Here Are Your Answers” by Flower A. Newhouse
View from the Freeway
We continue on our way deconstructing and exposing various dysfunctions in our economic, religious, social and political systems. I mentioned long ago that this period from 2008 to 2024 would be transformative and challenging. The United States and the world has about 9 years left to this painful process. We are making progress, however. The citizens have been asleep but are beginning to stir and change is coming. We made assumptions that somebody else (the government) would take care of it. Alas, it falls to us the responsibility to turn this ship around. Until we learn to be responsible for our country’s behavior, it postpones the good that is coming.
All areas are now in the eye of the storm. The latest are the judicial systems which are being corrupted by outside monies to help certain judges be elected. The exposures of this corruption is necessary to help us recognize and change it. This is not a partisan issue but a societal problem. Without the rule of law being followed in this country, we cannot stand. It is incumbent upon us all to pay attention to the money trails and individuals behind the judicial elections and appointments.
Also within the judicial system, prosecutors enjoy strong protections against criminal sanction and private litigation. Jed Rakoff, a district judge in New York, “thinks it unlikely that 95% of defendants are guilty. Of the 2.4 m Americans behind bars, he thinks it possible that ‘thousands, perhaps tens of thousands’ confessed despite being innocent. One reason they might do so is because harsh, mandatory minimum sentencing rules can make such a choice rational.” The Economist, October 4, 2014. “New laws give prosecutors more room for interpretation and encourages them to overcharge defendants. Exculpatory evidence is sometimes hidden from defense lawyers by prosecutors.” It is up to us to wake up and pay attention to this as anyone of us could find ourselves in some innocent situation that requires a fair and equitable judicial system.
This is only one of the systems exposed during this 16 year cycle. Let’s pay attention to it and make sure we know what is going on.
Forecasts and Trends
More contraction in the world-wide work place. Labor will continue to lose out to capital.
Glut of cheap, underemployed labor gives firms little incentive to make productive-boosting investments.
Glut of college-educated workers is a consistent problem in the developing world.
Where labor is expensive (Germany) more robots are used in place of labor. So much for raising artificial minimum wages to benefit special interests.
The developed world has made little effort to find jobs for displaced workers. Raising minimum wages could compound the problem.
Retraining and investment in specialty learning takes time but is essential to improve the employment of the waiting workers.
New companies and large companies require less and less labor
Governments remain behind the curve in correcting this trend. Governments are the slowest to convert to technological advances and still require labor to do what algorithms and advanced technology can easily perform. Once they begin replacing government workers, municipalities will save money on payroll, health care and pensions. Redundancy remains as a last bastion with governments.
This correctional trend will last through the next 9 years and begin to do the turn around by 2024.
Big oil companies are shrinking. Believe it or not the trend is to contract big oil. Profits are going down not because of the cheaper barrel which shows up at the gas pump, but because production costs have risen over the last 10 years. This makes oil less profitable. The big three oil companies, BP, Shell and Exxon are shelving expansion plans and shedding operations. The Wall St. Journal, November 3, 2014. This trend is part of the long-term trend to detach from oil and use alternative fuels and vehicles. Oil has always been a Piscean Age phenomena. As the Age fades away, it takes with it its products and characteristics.
Women are gaining in power and leadership. Note the numerous signs in society. Recently several firms in Silicon Valley included IVF treatments in their health care plans.
Sleep News. A good night’s sleep is not necessarily 8 hours. Carol Assa, an excellent feng shui expert, has included in her newsletter that prior to the industrial revolution it was usual and customary for us to sleep a 4-hour sleep, awaken and go do some work, have sex, visit friends, etc for about 4 hours and then go back to sleep for about 3-4 more hours. It was not customary to sleep 8 hours straight through. She hints that we may be going against Mother Nature.
In the book “At Day’s Close–Night in Times Past” by Roger Ekrich, he writes and provides examples of this ancestoral sleep pattern. Our ancestors practiced what is known as “first sleep” and “second sleep”. So two sleeps per night may have been what or how we have been programmed to sleep and rest. Carol goes on to mention that it may be the answer to our current health problems and certainly our fear of waking up in the night and not being able to get back to sleep. What a concept.
Ponder This
“The originating mind of the cosmos knows what it is doing and it does its work well. It has a mathematical accuracy of law and order. It cannot have any self-argument and it is never indecisive. It asks no questions. It leans on no one. It proceeds in its business of creating the new, the better and the different. ……….You exist in and are part of this originating universal mind. All of its law and order is instantly available to you.”
Raymond Charles Barker “The Power of Decision”