The Minogue Times – November 2011 newsletter (archive)
The Minogue Times –
November 2011
— Trends Numerology and More —
Good News: I now Skype for those of you who live outside the US.
- You can do a personal session with me, have it recorded and uploaded or mailed on a CD. No overseas phone charge. This last week, I spoke to clients in India, Australia and London. It’s great!
- “We have to decide in a very simple way, what is necessary, and then settle down to the quiet process of achieving it.” Manly P. Hall
Table of Contents:
- 1) November—the 11th Month of the year
- 2) Questions and Answers
- 3) View from the Freeway
- 4) Trends
- 5) Ponder This
- 6) Upcoming Events
NOVEMBER, THE 11th Month
This is an extremely important month. Please take note—not only do we have Thanksgiving on the horizon but we have very important transits going on. If you understand how to use them, you can save yourself future grief.
First off, beginning on November 24th, right at Thanksgiving, Mercury goes Retrograde. The shadow of this event falls the week before. How that affects you is the following, you have until about November 17th to really accomplish your important matters—including shopping. This retrograde is in effect until December 14th and the after shadow lingers for a few days. My suggestion is from November 17th until December 17th, make no important purchases—especially housing contracts, electronics, court dates, cars, TV’s job interviews. Order what you need now, work diligently now, interview now, sign now. You get the picture. Avoid moving your residence during this period. It can really be challenging with unexpected snafus. Move in January or by the 15th of November.
I have stated before that you would normally start new endeavors at or on a new moon. The days that linger after a new moon are still powerful but begin to weaken the closer we get to the full moon. The exception is the new moon during a Mercury Retrograde. Do not launch new projects or start new relationships during this period. They are stillborn.
Eclipses too!
On top of this whammy, we have eclipses occurring November and December. A partial solar eclipse on November 25th and a total lunar eclipse on December 11th. What a period. Be wise and patient during this period. Lay low as much as you can and if things get goofy at Thanksgiving, you will know why. The energy will pick up and fly right the week before Christmas. If you don’t get the bulk of your shopping done by November 17th—wait until the week before Christmas. Make sure you write serial numbers down of products or gift cards you purchase, just in case they are lost in the mail—or just plain lost. Check all messages, give yourself more time to arrive and assume nothing during this period.
It is a great month to catch up on everything you have postponed or left undone. Catch up and finish old projects. Get rid of some of your tolerations—things you have tolerated. Relax and read. Chill more during the retrograde. For now, the beginning of the month, work long days and accomplish much. You will also probably hear from people you have not heard from in years. This can be very good and also very shocking.
From Flower Newhouse’s book “Here Are Your Answers”.
“Why do parents sometimes have a child who is so entirely different in temperament from them?
Such a child might be born to them because in the past (either when they were previously man and wife, or married to other partners) each of them failed to love, appreciate or help such an individual. Now it is vital that they learn to understand and enjoy this kind of person whose need of them might be very great.
How does one find out what he/she is specifically meant to do in his lifetime: that is, what his/her life work might be?
Most persons have a general life work to accomplish and this is of greater importance than any of them realize. The work to which I refer is the building, purifying and strengthening of their character and the rounding out of their spiritual development.
Too many feel that they must have a mission in life. Those who have a mission are very few in number compared to every person’s need to achieve his/her own life’s work of self-conquest. We must get over the idea that each of us has something very special to do for humanity. Our best gift to humanity is our deepened development. ………
There are other means for adding to one’s knowledge of his/her potentials. One of these is having an astrological chart made by someone who is spiritually advanced. Another method is to determine what our life numbers are and this can be done by someone who is highly advanced and who knows the Pythagorean system of numbers.”
When I recently told my Yogi chiropractor that I had really done some strong house cleaning, he mentioned that I was getting rid of my “tolerations”. I have never heard it expressed that way but it made perfect sense. By cleaning up things, I was cleaning up the things I had been tolerating.
I thought further on this and had the enormous urge to take a look at all the things I tolerate in my life. Oh, my gosh, the list seemed to go on forever. My yogi and I discussed how the things we tolerate drain our energy and maintain a general state of disorder. I wanted to immediately go home with a huge shovel and do a right proper job of cleaning. Alas, many of the things I have tolerated have nothing to do with house cleaning. Is that true in your life? I mean, just think of the people we tolerate, the piles of paper on the desk, the poor quality products and the list goes on and on. Many years ago I purchased a great travel sound machine. Wonderful product! Lasts forever! It won’t die! What a great company! So, I order one as a gift for someone—same company, expensive too. It arrives, weighs a fraction of the original one I own and is defective. It is made in China and is built to last perhaps for replacement. We have traded cheap prices and products for our jobs. Why do we tolerate this?
What do you tolerate in your life?
What do you tolerate in your life? Make a list. Can you begin to eliminate some of them? What have we tolerated with our government, our financial system, our patterns of self-deception, disrespect from our partners and disrespect of ourselves? Why do we tolerate greed, corruption and graft? It is my feeling that during this challenging Pluto transit we are going to face what we have tolerated. We may not yet have the right face on it but it is like trying to define pornography. You recognize it when you see it. The wind is a’blowing and it is coming down our streets.
Over the next few years all of these tolerations are coming out of the woodwork. The squeals will be loud but the light of day will shine. This phase of housecleaning is just beginning. Pluto likes to destroy what is not working. It can be a promise that never was going to be kept, financial systems that are corrupt, government structures that are not serving the people, physicians on the take from big pharma, those scamming Medicare, the VA and other abuses. What a pitchfork moment! The natives are just starting to say their squeaks but this is going to heat up over the next few years and there will be more people joining in the “Stop Tolerating It Movement”.
You will be involved. Expect a greater movement of the people after next year’s election and a continuance for several years. People do have the power to change things for the better. We did get rid of the draconian red light law in Los Angeles because the people would not pay the fine. We did cause Bank of America to drop the $5 monthly debit card fee. We have hardly begun. We do not understand the power we have to change the system. Just like my Yogi said, you will consciously get rid of what you no longer can tolerate. That goes for people as well.
Expect a slow growth or low growth for all of 2012. Slice and dice your expertise to get through next year. Provide portions of your services so people have choice. Negotiate with your professional services—physicians, dentists, lawyers, electricians etc. For those 65 and over, ask everywhere for a senior discount.
Technology for the poor is getting bigger. India has a $35 iPad intended for young students. The first 10 million are going to high schools and universities. More technology for the poor is coming.
Marches in all cities will increase. Money is coming in to fund these groups. The toleration level has been
reached. It is not a movement to be ignored. It is a huge movement of people around the world who are “unhappy with their leadership”. It started in Africa with uprisings against authoritarian leaders and has spread to a broad-based global demonstration against leadership.
The movement is moving to the middle and upper classes. It has reached the recent cover of the magazine The New Yorker and Suze Orman, a mainline commentator, has endorsed the demonstrators. It is touching the general population when you see mostly young people willing to camp out in the snow and rain to influence major change.
Expect more and more exposure of politicians, corruption in your financial institutions, your regulators, your houses of worship and their leaders, your education system, your lending practices, your medical system, protection of your food, water, air and your corporations. The marriage of corporations to your government is hanging on for dear life but there will be a divorce. Not yet but it is coming.
Expect bigger unrest by 2015 that should last a few years as systems that don’t work are destroyed.
Expect changes to the Constitution by the late 2020’s as a result of the changes that are to take place over the next 14 years.
This is a BIG time our in our country’s future. There will be ways for you to get involved. Choose which ones interest you and always follow the money trails.
Synthetic Blood Exciting scientific breakthroughs are increasing. For example, synthetic blood could be used in transfusions in just two years. (Daily Mail, Oct. 28, 2011) It could transform transfusions, prevent shortages and save lives on the battlefield and in auto crashes.
Malaria Vaccine is very close (Boston Channel, October 18, 2011). A malaria vaccine in phase 3 clinical trials is providing much hope. Data shows that the vaccine, known as RTS,S, cuts the number of malaria cases in half. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supported the research and the announcement took place at a forum in Seattle.
Vehicle Automation to Cut Fuel Consumption (Technology Review-October 24, 2011) Partially automated cars that could let drivers take their hands off the wheel and the accelerator but still require them to pay attention, could be sold by 2020. Bigger fuel savings could come with full automation. Cars that park themselves could save fuel by eliminating the need for drivers to circle the block looking for a parking space. The goal would be for the car to drop off the driver and go to the nearest available parking spot—even if it is miles away. When it is time to leave, the driver notifies the car with a smart phone and it returns and picks up the driver. Love this, don’t you?
- PONDER THIS!!!!!!!!!
- Benjamin Franklin said more than 200 years ago:
- “He who trades liberty for security, deserves neither and will lose both”.
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, November 17th.
- Teleseminar 7 pm to 8:15 pm PST
- America’s Invisible Guidance
- Saturday, February 4th.
- Workshop, 10 am to 4 pm
- Forecast and Understanding of 2012 – 2024
- Laguna Hills, CA
- Sunday, February 12th.
- Workshop, 1 – 4 pm
- Forecast and Trends
- San Jose, CA
- Saturday, April 21st
- Workshop, 10 am to 5 pm
- Ancient Teachings, Trends and Forecasts
- Oak Park, IL (Chicago area)
- Register for all events:
- I love hearing from you so don’t be a stranger. Thank you for reading this far and I do look forward to talking with you. Please feel free to pass this letter on to your email list of friends.
For More Upcoming events: See my website to register and more information
Do You Want A Private Reading Session?
Most of you realize that I work with individuals and corporations in helping them with their personal blueprints. It is very important work and so I continue to do it as long as I am able to do it. Each of us arrives here with a wonderful guidance system. We create it before arrival and work with it all our lives. It is important to know what you created and what is your timing in this life. Look at former President Ronald Reagan who became president in his 70’s or new California Jerry Brown who starts his new term at 72.
Since the Soul never came here to retire, why would the personality consider that as an option? Planning on retirement has created shorter lives and less fulfilling ones. We can restructure and have many careers and life experiences but we never retire even when we think we are “in retirement”. Chief Justice Paul Stevens just retired this summer at the ripe young age of 95. Why are you any different? Plan on many careers, many experiences, and a healthy body. For clarity and understanding of your timing and your blueprint, call me or email for a private session.
My best to you always
I look forward to hearing from you,
To schedule a private Numerology reading with me, you can order here