September 2013

More News on the Way

More News on the Way

The Ending of 2013 is Near

1) Events:

For those in the Chicago area—here I come. Glad to be back in the “Windy City”.

Saturday, September 21
3pm – Talk and Book Signing
Barbara’s Book Store – Burr Ridge

Sunday, September 22
9am and 11am – Talks
Unity of Oak Park, IL (north of downtown)
Register early and save!
“Praise in the Face of Adversity”
1 – 3 pm Workshop—Forecasts and Trends for the next 10 years

October 4 & 5 – Southwest Dowsers Conference
Register Here:
Little America Hotel, Flagstaff, AZ
(come see the Grand Canyon and Hopi Reservation)

October 4 – 3pm & October 5 – 11am
“The Invisible System”

2) September, the 9th month.

We have arrived at the final month of the year, September. This 9th month completes the cycle of the previous months from January through September. October through December are wrap-up months. They are meant to be the fall and winter of the year. They are not really months to launch new endeavors. What did you begin in January and February? What were you working on in the busy months of March through May? This is should be your focus during September. Keep plugging away this month for a grand finish. We have another Mercury retrograde coming in October so don’t postpone your efforts. The retrograde will continue on into November and then we have the holidays. Do your “full-court press” during September. Do not wait to be told you need to do something. Do it now! We end things in the number 9. Go for a grand finale!

3) Question and Answer

Why does the United States keep behaving as the world’s watch dog? Do we have to bomb Syria?


It is important to keep in mind America’s design and destiny. She is not just a country of freedom-loving individuals. She has had a date with destiny from her beginning. America and its birth is the announcement to the world of the ending of the old Piscean Age filled with religions, kings and despots. She is the outward visible sign of the new Age of Aquarius and all that this represents. She is the only “benevolent superpower”.

Corrine Heline, in her book “America’s Invisible Guidance” says it very well:

“This land’s glorious destiny is but half fulfilled. So far she has wrought out a new measure of freedom and cooperation within her own boundaries.
But this is only the beginning.

The soul of America cannot be satisfied with such self-accomplishment alone; her call is to larger world service. It is for her to continue the pioneer’s role in carrying her own won freedom and her genius for assimilation and collaboration into the arena of world affairs and so further the ultimate establishment of the United States of the World. Brotherhood is at the heart of her calling, brotherhood at home and fraternity among the nations of the earth. Such was the ideal held for her by the Inner Government at the time of her inception, and such it remains.”

America will do what needs to be done to accomplish its destiny, however clumsily, even if it means bombing. She does not have the luxury of being an isolationist country. It was never her role.

Both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were conscious of “Divine Guidance” during the months that the Constitution was being born. Washington wrote “I can almost trace the finger of Divine Providence…. through these dark and mysterious days which first led the colonists to assemble in convention, thereby laying the foundation of peace and prosperity, when we had too much reason to fear that misery and confusion were coming too rapidly upon us”.

4) View from the Freeway

We are entering the “sharing” economy. This is a new phase of the beginning of the Aquarian Age. As pieces of the old economy cry foul, (taxi companies, banks, hotels and their city tax base, plumbers etc.), citizens are continuing to be creative in creating many types of services. We now have people willing to pick up passengers in their own vehicles for fees or donations. You can download the app of Uber, Lyft and SideCar. I keep seeing the “pink moustache” Lyft cars around LA. They are lifesavers to people who just want a lift to a store, home from a bar, a lift to the doctor and need to save money at the same time. They are priced much lower than standard taxicabs.

We now have TaskRabbit that provides help-for-hire. You can order up a person to walk your dog or fix your kitchen sink at a fraction of the normal rate. How about Airbnb? You can rent out your room and help with your overhead costs. Many people are saving their homes through Airbnb. It helps pay for their medical care too.

This is technology taking over in ways we would never have dreamed. I can order up an assistant to do some odd office jobs and I don’t have to hire an employee. You are going to see more of these service oriented businesses cropping up. Due to a lack of jobs in the economy, individuals have taken it upon themselves to take care of themselves. They are not only using these services, they are benefitting by offering them. The regulators and those with vested interests are having fits. It is part of the advancement through technology of the Aquarian Age.

People will structure their lives less and less around regular 8 to 5 jobs. You are already seeing new companies without the usual hierarchy structure. People will put together a living by various means, whether it is renting out a room, picking up passengers, fixing your sink or editing your book. The news is out that individuals are making private loans to individuals who are purchasing homes. They study their credit history and income and use the house as collateral. The investor can get a better return on their money and if the borrower doesn’t make the payments, the investor can take the house. In this way, the borrower can buy the home rather than being shut out of the residential markets by the banks. This is particularly important for those who are self-employed.

I think it is all very encouraging and we have hardly scratched the surface of the possibilities. Stay tuned for more businesses in the “shared economy”.

5) Forecasts and Trends

Yes, we will find a way to become more involved with Syria (bombing, rockets, drones). There will not be a quick resolution but it is part of a bigger, longer picture to bring this region to the table. You can expect conflict in this region to continue for years. We will stay engaged there.

The US standing in the Muslim world will continue to sour. Remember, in this Age of Aquarius, religions created during the Piscean Age (Christianity and Islam) are on their way out. It takes time and is unpleasant to watch but it is part of the winding down of a “sky” God, guilt, shame, suffering and inequality in the “name of” and in outer religious authority. We, as the country intended to develop the individual in the collective, are like a red flag to those who are fanatically involved in religious dogma.

No immigration reform this year and most likely none in 2014

Home prices continue to rise through July 2014 and then even out. Plan accordingly.

Brains for sale? Not yet but one day—maybe! It is called the “cerebral organoid”. Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Vienna, Austria have grown three-dimensional human brain tissues from stem cells. The tissues form discrete structures that are seen in the developing brain. —Technology Review, August 30, 2013

US manufacturing is increasing. Currently, it accounts for about 12% of our economy. There are more unfilled orders and demand is rising. Factories are getting a boost from auto demands. Residential construction and household goods are also rising.

High tech start-ups are spreading outside of Silicon Valley. Low living expenses and cheap office rents are big magnets. Sioux Falls, SD, Missoula, MT, Cheyenne, WY, Raleigh, NC, Ben, OR, and Provo, UT are a few of the attractive places for high tech startups. —Kiplinger Letter, August 30th, 2013

Pets might soon become a staple in the workplace. Nation of Change—August 10, 2013, “It is becoming more common to see animals roaming the halls of companies, sitting under work desks or nestled in the laps of employees. Studies show that people who bring their dogs to work are less stressed and show greater signs of job satisfaction.” A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management investigated the stress levels and organizational perceptions of pet dogs in the workplace.

Ponder This

“We are in the Age of the mind, of learning and having computers to store information. So spiritually, people will be reached through the mind—not emotions […] When people learn and reason, they do not want to rely on others to tell them what to do and to make decisions for them. In the previous Age, people expected only a chosen few to know and lead […] In the United States, there is a great resistance to the president, whoever he is. We do not want one man telling us what to do…”

—”Inward Bound” by Alexander Everett, Book Partners, Inc. 1998

For more Upcoming Events, see my website to register and find out more information:

Do You Need A Private Consultation?

Most of you realize that I work with individuals and corporations in helping them with their personal blueprints. It is very important work and so I continue to do it as long as I am able to do it. Each of us arrives here with a wonderful guidance system. We create it before arrival and work with it all our lives. It is important to know what you created and what is your timing in this life. We can restructure and have many careers and life experiences but we never retire even when we think we are “in retirement”. Plan on many careers, many experiences, and a healthy body.
For clarity and understanding of your timing and your blueprint, call me or email for a private session.

My best to you.
I always look forward to hearing from you,

To schedule a private Numerology session with me, you can order here