October, 2014 Minogue Times
“Hope is NOT a plan. Pinning your hopes on someone else to come to the rescue is not an option”
Table of Contents:
1) The 10th month of the Year–October’s Meaning
2) Question and Answer
3) View from the Freeway
4) Trends/Forecasts
5) Events
6) Ponder This
1) October, the 10th month
Okay, its back. We have another Mercury Retrograde. Plan accordingly. Do not start new projects at this time, try to wait until November for your big purchases–like appliances, autos, electronic equipment even some services. Postpone NEW job prospects until November. Don’t list your house this month. Try to postpone any move until November. Absolutely, no elective cosmetic surgery during this period. Regular non-threatening elective surgery should be avoided in October. Obviously, emergency or urgent medical care is essential. If it is not essential and doesn’t put you at risk, wait until November. Conversely, if you have been putting off a nagging medical exam, this is the time to do it. Catch up with all the things you have said you would do but have been procrastinating. I have a physician friend who had back surgery during a Mercury retrograde period. It went poorly and was redone 2 weeks later–still in the retrograde. You guessed it, a 3rd surgery was required. This occurred outside the retrograde and went well. However, he ended up with a permanent dropped foot.
October is great for catching up and finishing your projects, personal or business. Great time to chill out especially from October 18th through the 25th. The holidays will be soon here so catch up, chill out and enjoy the change of seasons. The Northern hemisphere is going into a hibernating period–allow yourself to get restored and surrender to nature and the spirit that rules the physical body.
2) Question and Answer:
Why am I so limited in worldly goods?
“Insufficient desire. It is as easy as that!…..Make it a point daily to meditate upon large sums of substance coming to you through the love of the divine intelligence. Again, before retirement, thank it for the plenty that manifests daily in wondrous new ways….There comes a time in our inner growth when we are commanded to right our own lives–to set them in a healthful mental order……Take time to do this thoroughly…..later you can direct your attention to the world…but first get your own house in order”
Flower Newhouse–“Here are Your Answers”
3) View from the Freeway
I am routinely invited to join various “meetup groups”. These groups are an excellent way to meet others in person and grow a sense of community. You can be very specific and join those groups which focus on your interests. We are creatures of community.
I have observed over time various female groups that support women and their careers. Just as our society is being forced to create more entrepreneurs due to the contraction of the workplace and the economy, females are creating their own businesses. There is, however, a decidedly lop-sided percentage of women in the soft-sciences. These are the services such as psychotherapy, coaching, mentoring and the catch-word “consultant”. It seems that psychotherapy has morphed into coaching and teaching and mentoring has morphed into consultant. I looked at a recent meetup group and counted the number of coaches, therapists and consultants and was not surprised to find that 80% were in these “feel good” professions.
The industry of turning out more coaches and therapists has mushroomed in the last 20 years. It is a huge industry and has become female saturated. If we go back about 30 years, you will find that the majority of the psychotherapists and psychologists were male. Not today, the industry is decidedly female. The industry has spawned numerous side industries such as the CEU’s industry. This is an industry producing classes that are required to maintain a license. Coaching itself doesn’t require a license so individuals have created an industry to “certify” those who want to coach. Coaching also doesn’t qualify for insurance purposes so it is an easier area to enter. Hence, we have coaches for just about anything and it is mostly female driven.
Fewer females go into construction trades, engineering, manufacturing, electrical, plumbing, programming and creating software, bar owning, hospital supplies, high tech company owners, transportation, energy products and management to brokering the sale of same. Females have entered and are doing well in the area of physicians, researchers and medical assistants. They are beginning to do better in the financial areas. But, still today, we have few women running Fortune 500 companies, hedge funds, high-tech companies and other risk-taking ventures.
Over time I believe more women will take more risks and invest their energy, time and money in areas that might be harder to enter in the beginning but will pay off big dividends over time. There will be a time when women will think strategically about their second career and prepare for it as well as they did their first career. It requires risk and a willingness to enter areas that may be uncomfortable at first but will become better over time. It’s time for women and young girls to prepare for careers of the future. Courage is essential and learning more about math and science a big step forward. Google and others have put money behind teaching young girls how to program and learn code. It would be great to have more adult women as role models. As we move deeper into the feminine energy of the years 2000, such as 2014 all the way to 2999, women will become more balanced in the choice of careers. She becomes more powerful, confident and willing to enter careers and company ownerships that require the behavior of “steel in a velvet glove” versus a majority of velvet gloves.
4) Trends and Forecasts
Since 1840 life expectancy at birth has risen about 3 months with each passing year.…Viewed globally, the lengthening of life spans seems independent of any single, specific event…..The trend holds in individual nations rich and poor; the whole world is riding the escalator….If anti-aging drugs or genetic therapies are found, (and they will) the climb could accelerate…Gregg Easterbrook, “The Atlantic”, October, 2014. —Side note: Numerologically, blue prints are at least 120 years so we will be reaching this age of 100 on a regular basis.
Nearly one-third of the world’s working-age population is in India. Mexico has a growing middle class with more disposable income. Both are democracies and are rising. Opportunities are there for investments in their markets. Yelp has replaced the Yellow Pages. Pay attention to these trends.
US spending on domestically made goods is growing faster than imports for the first time in 20 years. Our cheaper energy prices and high-quality manufacturing base makes us more attractive for the big “Made in America” trend.
Increase in alternative lenders in the small business loan marketplace. Traditional lenders like banks and credit unions have made it difficult in the past for small business owners to get a loan. With all the hoops they expect you to jump through, it is no wonder that alternative lenders like Kabbage have become so popular. The current trend is shifting toward more and more small businesses seeking alternative solutions to traditional lenders. This is most likely due to the current low interest rates.
“A team of international researchers has developed a molecule capable of triggering cancer cell death by carrying chloride into cancer cell membranes. The molecule flushes the cells with salt and causes them to self-destruct, potentially paving the way for new types of anti-cancer drugs.”http://www.gizmag.com/molecule-self-destruction-cancer-cell-salt/33331/
5) Events:
Los Angeles
Sunday, November 9th, 2 – 5 pm
The Rising Power of the Middle-Aged Woman
Huge world-wide trend that is in preparation stage now.
Part of the “Learning Living Room Series” Limited registration-only 15
Registration week of October 6th. $39
Laguna Woods, CA
Thursday, December 4th, 10 am–free or donation
Talk on Future Trends and Forecasts
Workshop 1 – 3 pm–$35
In depth information on numbers and the trends
Registration: Contact Patty Davidson bshabel@comline.com
Laguna Hills, CA
Sunday, January 11th, 2015 – 3:30 to 5:30 pm
2015 Forecasts and Trends–the big no. 8 year
Awakenings Bookstore
Registration pending, Cost $39 in advance–$49 at the door
Modesto, CA
Thursday, February 26th, 2015
Modesto Junior College
“Discover What’s Ahead”
6 – 8 pm
Registration: Modesto Junior College – Community Education
Sacramento, CA
Saturday, February 28th, 9 – 12 and 1 – 4 pm
The Learning Exchange
Registration Pending
North Carolina
March 20 – 22nd, 2015
Southern Conference of American Society of Dowsers
More info pending on times and topics.
Houston, TX area (Montgomery, Texas)
Saturday, September 11th, 2015
Save the date, more information to follow
6) Ponder This:
“Wisdom is knowing how little we know.” Oscar Wilde