Over the years I have heard many people say to me–“ever since I moved into this place, everything has gone to pot”. “All I do is work, or I don’t have friends over very much any more, or business had dried up, or I never have enough money any more to have any fun or I feel so lonely now or I make a good income, but it is eaten up by unexpected expenses”. This list goes on and on. Did you every stop and think that the place, the energy of the house or apartment has something to do with your situation?
Buildings and their addresses are critically important to us. The addresses of where we live and work will impact our lives as long as we work or live at that address. The numbers themselves set the stage for what you are walking into when you move into a building with these numbers.
Buy or Rent Carefully
Never rent or buy a place without understanding the implications of the address and how it will affect you
personally. The most beautiful home in the best location can turn out to a nightmare for you. The best office space can be really good rent, with a great view but your business will not prosper there. To feng shui a place is also very important but the biggest impact will be the house or office number. When you are figuring out the address, total up all the numbers of the address of the house or the apartment unit. Do not use the apartment building, just the unit itself. The same with the office building, you want the suite number of the office itself. The general office or apartment building is important but it just sets a tone or the area, not the individual space. Use letters as numbers–apt. 2B–the letter “b” is the 2nd letter in the alphabet so it is the number 2 as well. If you live in apartment 2B, you live in a No. 4 apartment in Numerology. Total the house number together and reduce it to a single digit. For example 10508 Smith Street reduces to a 5 house.
Each House Number has it Own Personality
Each number has its own personality and energy. A one number would be very entrepreneurial, independent, innovative, competitive, a starting number. A number four would be disciplined, hard working, orderly, methodical, step by step, structured and productive–work will be the emphasis, frugality. The number five would be lively, great place for a home business, always changing, heavy emphasis on people coming and going, always experiences of lots of change. Not necessarily peaceful but lively. The number seven property is your quiet, cerebral place, good for retreats and to get away, hide from the public. This is the house that is good for reflection, developing your inner self, focus on developing of your inner faith–sometimes testing it, not an entertaining house. People are invited in versus dropping over. This is a good house for recovery. Not at all good for business.
The interesting thing about numbers, we all have blueprints created prior to our births. For the most part most of us don’t know they exist. Within these blueprints are time passages which change every 9 nears. As these change, they directly affect our behavior and our thinking. For example, if i am about to enter a passage under the number seven, I would have an unconscious tendency to locate and move into a 7 house or apartment unit. Gradually as I live in this space, my life changes to quieting down, business slows, I see or need to see less people and I begin to live a more inward prosperous vs an outward prosperous life. The focus is less on business and more on rest and study of the self.
If the same person moving into that 7 house, has a high powered, time consuming job, the person might find herself less and less productive and more tired or choosing to get home and just chill. During that 9 year period, the social life quiets down and the person could complain that I just don’t meet anyone any more or words to that effect.
Karma and Your House or Office
Now to make it even more interesting, if the person who moves into that house, has a karmic balance to
correct with the issues revolving around the number of the house, the karma will be activated while living in that house. This is very common. For instance, if a person is missing the number four in their chart, the number of hard work and productivity, bingo, the person finds herself just working all the time, working on the housing, working on the weekends etc. Hardly any time to play and always having to be frugal with money, time and energy. Missing numbers in a name always signify past life issues that the person is working on in this lifetime. The house or office number will intensify these issues.
I always ask my clients the address of their house and office when I do a private session with them. I need to know the environment they are living in and how it is impacting their lives. Based on the several issues in their charts, many times I have to suggest strongly that they move out of the place they are living in and I also recommend the best address numbers for their individual blueprint.
Avoid Karmic Debt Numbers
We need all the help we can get and that includes living in places that benefit us and do not delay or prevent
us from prospering. For all of us, I would avoid the pure numbers of 13, 14, 16, and 19 as address numbers. That means if these numbers are stand alone, such as Apt. 19) and not part of a larger number like 1932, avoid them. They are karmic “debt” numbers and you do not want them as your address. That is a another story in itself. Just walk away. Each means something unique and you do not need it.
If you would like more information on your own blueprint and the location in which you live, please contact me for a private session and I will be glad to go over it all with you. It can save you much short and long-termed heartache.
Peace Gail,
I’m moving to a house number 11845. It breaks down to 19 and 1. Should I be worried? I know 19 is a Karmic debt number.
Best to talk to me prior to buying the property, not after the sale and the deed is done.
Hello Gail , we have just purchased a new house and the number of the house is 130 would that be equal to 13 which is a karmic debt number or would the zero help .
Also the house is on my husbands name and his date of birth is 13th April , 1987 and mine is 2 nd august , 1989 . Kindly help if this will be good for us . Thank you
Hi Errin, There are so many parts to answer that question correctly. You might want to consider a short session to go over your information. Timing of a move, what’s not in your birth name and much more in choosing a location.