This 90 minute recording goes over the details of the various planes of existence, the cycle of living and dying as well as sound, the 7 bodies we carry, breathing, and why we leave earth prior to our actual time frame. Lots of information on how you are put together and the deep connection to the eternal universe’s influence.
We move through our days unaware of the workmanship that has gone into developing the mechanics of our bodies. We are born, we breathe, grow and then, eventually, end it by dying. But, there is an exquisite functioning in your body that has a rhythm mathematically connected to the heavens. We can slow it down, levitate, enhance our lifespan and create numerous other “miracles”. In this program I will be explaining some of the unknown aspects of these functions:
The 7 bodies that follow the physical body.
The activation of these bodies by glands at different ages
How each of the 7-year Soul cycles is activated. For example, the etheric body is born after the first soul cycle at the age of 7 and is dominated by the thymus gland.
What did the ancients know about the connection between the glands and the subtle worlds of nature?
Characteristics of the Astral plane and your visits in dreams
What the ancients knew about breathing and the rates of vibration.
Why it is important to sing. Why is it a good idea to sing in the workplace?
Why in the heat of a battle one can receive terrible battle wounds without feeling them at all?
How many breaths per minute is normal? Are we limited to a certain number of breaths in a lifetime?
What are we breathing in besides oxygen? (not talking about air pollution)
Can being in a rage or overly emotional responses use up so much breath that it shortens a life?
We enter our flourishing years after the age of 50, why?
More information on breathing, the influence of glands and their importance in mental illness, depression and, yes, it is possible to levitate. etc.
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