Over the years I have kept reminding citizens to add the the candidates’ birth dates to find out if the person is really an agent of change or one who uses the cliche of “change”. 9 times out of 10 you will find that the potential candidates are simply proposing the word but do not have the real capacity for change. We haven’t had a real leader of change in many, many elections. I keep looking at their birth dates and it is comical how far from real change most of the candidates are. They seem to camp in three areas. Many 11’s, 6’s and 4’s for life paths. In this new crew of Republican presidential wannabees, I find not one No 5 Life Path. This No. 5 is the candidate you do want to keep your eyes open for. Who is the real agent of change? Who’s total birth day (month, day and year) reduces to the number 5? Your big agents of change, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln all three had No. 5 life paths.
Our number 11 presidents include: George H.W. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Hoover, Coolidge and Obama. Our number 6 presidents include George Bush, Nixon and Eisenhower. Gerald Ford and Lyndon Johnson had number 8 life paths. Harry Truman and J F Kennedy both had number 7.
Take a look at a few of the Republican candidates. Jeb Bush, a 4; Ted Cruz, a 6, Rick Perry a 4; Rand Paul and Mitt Romney 9’s.
Democratic candidates: Hillary Clinton, a 3 and Elizabeth Warren a 6.
What do we do? We will muddle through the 2016 election as not much will be new. The election to look for a change in the nation progressing will be 2020 not 2016. We will be slugging it out until 2023 but the 2020 election will make a difference, not much in 2016.
The candidate to pay attention to is not yet running for national office. Her name is Kamala Harris and she is currently Attorney General of California. She will be running for the vacant Senate seat of Barbara Boxer in 2016 and will be in the line of fire for the presidential election in 2020 and 2024. She is a number 5 life path, smart, a mover and a pure 50. The “0” earns her protection from other lives. Watch her path. She is also both Indian and Caribbean descent.
Our last big agent of change running for presidential office was Jerry Brown current governor of California. He is definitely a change agent and able to reinvent himself from 2-term governor, to Oakland City mayor, to Attorney General to back to two terms as California Governor. He is now serving his 4th term as California governor. Since California remains the agent of change for the United States, it is not surprising to have this type of number in charge of this state.
Remember, the United States own individual Life Path is a No. 5. It does very well with a No. 5 president. Pay attention to Kamala Harris in 2016. I will keep informing you as potential number 5 candidates surface. So far, we have none. America is not yet ready for her big changes but she is in the preparatory phase. Stay tuned. The big election is 2024.
Bernie Sanders is a 5!!!
PLEASE tell me we WONT have HRC, in office for 8 yrs !!! If elected she would be going into office in a one year & also, a one
Personal year for her. However, 2021, would be a 5 year for her & the country-so she should be OUT !?
Sorry, I’m just not a fan of her…do I want a woman in the whitehouse …yes ! Just not such a corrupt one. I’ve always hoped that when a woman stepped up-it would be a clean slate-including the candidate & all she stood for & had done.
Hillary, has done a lot of good things -but she’s just as shaky/shady as all the males in the past.
I’m hoping for a decent example of womanhood !
Bernie Sanders is a 5!
Hi Gail,
I’ve been thinking about what you said regarding the best candidate having a life path of 5 (change) and it occurred to me to check on a man who isn’t running, but has mentioned it on occasion, more “off the cuff”, Dennis Prager, talk show host. I believe he’d be an excellent candidate and foster change. I like his moral compass and his belief in “first tell the truth”. He’s got a lot of common sense. Maybe he just needs to be an advisor to the next president if he won’t consider running? We need more of Mr. Prager’s kind in politics.
Interesting.I think liberals are ruining the world. The states with the best jobs & least debt are all conservatives. Harris is a far liberal. California is too expensive which is why I have a soon to be 32 yr old son living at home still & his 30 yr old girlfriend with a master’s degree & a teacher. Prisoners let loose, fantasy choo choo, union caused debt. Not one liberal has a brain. Selfish ego’s
Life path 5–that’s me! 1-5-1952