Gail's Blog

Gail's Blog

I went to a concert in Vegas and I never came home - Oct 5, 2017

For all our plans and all our dreams and all our anxieties, this is how quickly you can leave here. In the twinkling of an eye you have completed this particular journey. We all stand shocked, angered, bewildered and mystified as to how someone could do this dastardly deed. Yet, we remain very disconnected from the invisible world of reality. We want to fix this outside of this invisible world. We will pray, light candles and say the same things we always say and then it will happen again. We don’t know when or where or with whom. It will probably be a man, not a woman, it will probably be a loner or a person with an axe to grind and we will light more candles, call the person evil, keep some more vigils and say some more prayers. We will wonder why but then we will go back to the same way of living. Vegas will return to its rhythm, people will bury the dead and the maimed will live a life of pain and doctor visits. Family members will grieve forever and they will be forgotten by the public

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