The Minogue Times – October 2011 (archive)
The Minogue Times –
October 2011
— Trends Numerology and More —
Good News: I now Skype for those of you who live outside the US.
- You can do a personal session with me, have it recorded and uploaded or mailed on a CD. No overseas phone charge. This last week, I spoke to clients in India, Australia and London. It’s great!
- “We have to decide in a very simple way, what is necessary, and then settle down to the quiet process of achieving it.” Manly P. Hall
The Minogue Times-October, 2011
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
Table of Contents:
- 1) October and the Wind Down of 2011
- 2) Question and Answer
- 3) View from the Freeway
- 4) Trends
- 5) Ponder This
- 6) Upcoming Events
1) October and 2011 Wind Down
2011 has gone very swiftly. I feel like I am ending summer out here in Southern California. It brings me to the old
truism, you cannot manage time; you can only manage yourself. I keep up the beat about cleaning up the year and harvesting what you planted back in February and March. Focus now on the connections you have made, the seeds you planted and do be industrious. October was originally the 8th month of the year and a month of harvest.
Once we get to the middle of November, the hibernation period sets in. I should say the body would like a bit of hibernation but our culture frowns upon this. It is customary to hibernate through January. Our body needs the time out from all the work and stress it experienced in 2011. Make sure you do not make time or technology your master. Use it wisely and know what you value. Technology will outrun us and if you try to stay on top of it, it will detach you from some of your deeper needs. Be discerning.
2) Question and Answer:
What is the significance of the New Moon, Full Moon and Void of Course Moon?
The ancients knew that cycles of time begin on the New Moon. Those who planted at this time knew they had the best opportunities for growth up until the full moon approximately two weeks later. The same is true in our lives. Our new ideas are best planted at the New Moon and the days following it. After the full moon—approximately two weeks later, you can tend to the details of what was planted or other mundane activities.
It is best to follow this rhythm in your own life. We need all the help we can get so begin new plans at the New Moon and the days following it. Go to to find out what are the Noon Moons for the year and plan accordingly. Adjust for your time zone. You will have better results with your ideas and plans. If you missed the New Moon in any given month, wait until the next New Moon to launch your plans. Try NOT to have surgery around a Full Moon. The moon has a great effect on fluids. Tides go in and out according to the Moon. Fluids expand at the Full Moon so avoid complications and plan accordingly.
The Loopy Void-of-Course Moon
Since the Moon changes signs approximately every 2 and ½ days, the period when a Moon is changing from one sign to
the next is called “Void-of-Course”. This period should be avoided for important meetings, plans etc. It can last a few seconds or a few days. American Presidents who were sworn into office during a void-of-course moon, have had only one term. President Carter a recent example. Al Gore’s 2000 nomination came in a Void-of-Course Moon. “Decision making in such periods turns out later to be unrealistic. Creativity diverges into unpleasant directions, improvisations, false starts, error. Business moves fail to generate profits, or meet unexpected difficulties. If you buy any object, it usually fails of its intended use.” By Debbi Kempton-Smith, “Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook.”
Note: President Obama was sworn in during a Void-of-Course Moon. Remember, though, he had to take the oath of office twice. Perhaps, this was done in light of this information on the Void of Course Moon. It is not unreasonable to have our presidents and those who are “captains of industry” follow astrological patterns. JP Morgan, the successful industrialist, had an astrologer on staff and met regularly. Ronald Reagan used one quite often. It was disguised as an interest of Nancy’s but it was Reagan who was using the astrologer long before his presidency.
3) View from the Freeway
The world is being turned upside down and a lot of junk is falling out of the pockets. We are witness to history. Look at all the exposure to the corruption of the last 240 years. We are beginning to understand the importance of experiencing this period. Certainly when America started out, she did not intend to be caught up in surveillance cameras.
We must return to the origins of this country and that is what we are doing. Why were we formed? What is its purpose? Is this a punishment? Where did we fall off the turnip truck? Did we really intend to consume 75% of the world’s anti-depression drugs? Did we really intend to have at least 1/3 of our citizens grossly overweight? Did we really at one time help build our neighbor’s house, borrow sugar and flour instead of driving to the store? Do we even talk to our neighbors?
Build Your Work Around Your Life
As the world is turned upside down, greed, corruption, entitlements and bad behavior in general are falling out. Our own self-deceptions are staring us in the face and we must face them. There is no place to hide any more. Even Swiss bank accounts are no longer safe. This is only going to get more intense as we progress along a transit that has not visited the planet and especially the United States since the early 1770’s. It is not cute but you will thank it after it has left—about 2024. I have been beating on this drum for the last three years and I will keep beating it. Get your priorities in order. What do you truly value? Build your work around your life—NOT vice versa. Most people build their lives around their work—reverse this process so you can be more at peace with your life.
You will have to get real, be your own therapist and build new trophies. Nobody cares about your old trophies
anyway. Staying young is always the ability to lower your resistance to starting over. Make a decision you want to live–or not. If it is a “yes”, then do what you need to do to thrive during these times of strengthening and help America grow up.
Revisiting the Roaring 20’s
Currently, 2011 and 2012 are similar to the end of the 20’s. I find it very fitting to have an HBO show called “Boardwalk Empire”—it takes place during the roaring 20’s. Ken Burns has another PBS special this month on “Prohibition”. We are unconsciously dealing with very similar conditions. The challenging 30’s followed this period and we had to clean up the mess. We will revisit some of the same things from the 30’s. More and more people are losing their houses, banks are terrified and people are just starting to protest—note the small group camped out in New York City. I just finished working in Chicago and spoke to several people who lost their homes or are in the process of losing them. One woman had lived in her home for 30 years, refinanced the house, could not keep up the payments and lost it two weeks ago. She now rents a room in a large house.
None of this is unusual.
There is an old Chinese expression “Beware of the wrath of the patient person”.
4) Trends
All industrialized countries of the world will feel the contraction of this period. Expect more world protests and finally the beginning of the protests at home in the United States.
More crackdowns, privacy trespass, tracking devices by the governments in the name of security.
Citizens are now awake and beginning to run out of money. As more and more exposure of the corruption in the government and corporations is presented through social media, more of the citizens will unite. This is a several years’ project. Expect the heating up to intensify around 2015.
The Guardian newspaper has documented the significant role which poverty and opportunity deprivation played in the British riots.
According to the World Health Organization three-quarters of medical devices given by rich countries to developing nations remain unused. The lack of electricity, spare parts and trained operators often means that technology developed in richer countries is totally unsuited to working in the developing world. Different technology is needed such as solar-powered hearing aids and stethoscopes that can connect to a mobile phone allowing doctors to monitor hard to reach patients. (BBC News-September 13, 2011.) There is a huge trend in technology for the poor.
Standard Bank Group, Africa’s largest bank by assets, has launched services for trade settlements in Chinese Yuan in 16 African countries. They estimate that at least 40% of China’s trade with Africa will be settled in Yuan by 2015. (China Daily—9/2/2011) China’s currency will be one of the world’s important currencies within approximately two years.
Science Daily is reporting that neurosurgery researchers at UC Davis Health System have used a new, leading-edge stem cell therapy to promote the growth of bone tissue following the removal of cervical discs—the cushion between the bones in the neck—to relieve chronic, debilitating pain. (Science Daily—September 6, 2011)
More exciting breakthroughs in Science are rapidly appearing. Expect a quickening between discovery and application. BBC also reported on a gene find that could lead to a drug for chronic pain—including neuropathic pain which occurs when nerves are damaged.
5) Ponder This
It is very important to recognize these times and these invisible transits for what they are, an opportunity to correct
ourselves and the various countries of the world. It looks like a giant confusion with uncertainty everywhere. Companies are going bankrupt, individuals are going bankrupt and there seems to be a general lack of direction for the human race. Not only are we experiencing the transition to a New Age—the Age of Aquarius, but we are also experiencing a heavy Plutonian transit and a one thousand year cycle of the change in worldwide gender power. The beginning of the 2000’s is in its infancy but it will gradually bring back the female into equality and leadership.
Dissolving the Old System
The financial systems are dissolving and the economic theories are not working. This is a much deeper condition than a “theory”. Throughout the next 13 years, we will have more and more exposure to what was wrong with entitlements, lobbyists, and the general mix of abusive behaviors. Promises have been made that cannot be kept and segments of the public will scream loudly.
In order for us all to go to the better part of our true nature, destruction of the old deceptions must go. The role of the United States is huge during these transits. It was always intended to answer to a higher calling of a larger world service. The soul of America cannot be satisfied with self-accomplishment alone. She was the pioneer on the planet to measure out freedom and cooperation. She has won her freedom and has learned assimilation better than any nation but she is to promote collaboration and assimilation on the world stage. Ultimately, there will be the United States of the World . For more information on America’s purpose, I suggest “America’s Invisible Guidance” by Corinne Heline.
Do not despair with what you see and experience. Housecleaning is going on and it is necessary as we got really messy during the last 240 years. We will be fine but first we must clean up the place.
6) Upcoming Events
Chicago was a great workshop and I am happy to report my upcoming public engagements. I will be setting up registration shortly.
Save the dates:
November 17th, Thursday 7 pm PST
“America’s Invisible Guidance–How current events are part of the plan.”
Workshop on the Trends and Forecasts and Ancient Sciences
February 4th, Saturday
10 – 4pm
Laguna Hills, CA
Workshop on the Trends and Forecasts
February 12th
1 – 4 pm
San Jose, CA
For More Upcoming events: See my website to register and more information
Do You Want A Private Reading Session?
Most of you realize that I work with individuals and corporations in helping them with their personal blueprints. It is very important work and so I continue to do it as long as I am able to do it. Each of us arrives here with a wonderful guidance system. We create it before arrival and work with it all our lives. It is important to know what you created and what is your timing in this life. Look at former President Ronald Reagan who became president in his 70’s or new California Jerry Brown who starts his new term at 72.
Since the Soul never came here to retire, why would the personality consider that as an option? Planning on retirement has created shorter lives and less fulfilling ones. We can restructure and have many careers and life experiences but we never retire even when we think we are “in retirement”. Chief Justice Paul Stevens just retired this summer at the ripe young age of 95. Why are you any different? Plan on many careers, many experiences, and a healthy body. For clarity and understanding of your timing and your blueprint, call me or email for a private session.
My best to you always
I look forward to hearing from you,
To schedule a private Numerology reading with me, you can order here